Chinese navy escorts Chinese cargo ship passing through Red Sea

Chinese navy escorts Chinese cargo ship passing through Red Sea.png

Recently, the 46th escort fleet of the Chinese Navy set sail for the Gulf of Aden to perform missions. The Chinese navy has begun escorting Chinese cargo ships passing through the Red Sea. The Chinese naval fleet conducts regular escort operations in the Gulf of Aden and the waters of Somalia. This has nothing to do with the current regional situation. The waters escorted by the Chinese naval fleet cover the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea. If foreign ships apply, the Chinese naval fleet will also escort them. Enter the normal escort formation to provide escort.

In late January, a Chinese-funded shipping company said that the Chinese navy had begun to provide escort for the company's five cargo ships heading to different ports in the Red Sea.

The escort area of the Chinese naval ship formation is generally north of Socotra Island and the south entrance of Bab el-Mandeb Strait. At the same time, the formation will extend the escort area for hundreds or even thousands of nautical miles according to the meteorological characteristics of the sea area, the situation of piracy activities and temporary mission changes. The escort area reaches the Arabian Sea and Red Sea areas. Under the protection of the Chinese navy , you can ship goods with confidence.