Come to Learn about the application of Changzhou Jiayuan's products - Benzethonium chloride


Benzethonium chloride is a new type of quaternary ammonium antimicrobial agent, which has a wide range of applications in the household chemicals and cosmetics industries. In addition, as a bactericidal antimicrobial agent it has important applications in the field of medicine and health, for example, as the bacteriostatic component of eye drops or as the bacteriostatic ingredient of injections has been widely used in western countries. Benzethonium chloride is an essential key intermediate in the production of heparin sodium products.

Benzethonium chloride is a kind of bactericidal disinfectant widely used in daily chemical, medicine and other fields.

Benzethonium chloride, chemical formula C27H42ClNO2, has good surface activity, easily soluble in water to form a foamy soap-like solution, but also soluble in ethanol, acetone, chloroform. This chemical substance has become an excellent choice for cosmetic bacteriostatic agent because of its long-lasting bacteriostatic effect, efficient wetting agent effectiveness, efficient removal of odour produced by the human body, low additive amount, no odour of its own, low toxicity, low irritation and a series of other advantages. In the daily-use chemicals and cosmetics industry, Benzethonium chloride has a wide range of applications, such as a variety of hand soaps, hand soaps, skin and hair care products, women's hygiene products, wet wipes and other products and a variety of antibacterial formulations. In addition, it is also suitable for dry powder products. In the field of medicine and health, benzylsodiammonium chloride has been widely used in western countries as an antibacterial component of eye drops or as an antibacterial ingredient in injections. In the production of heparin sodium products, bensolinium chloride is an essential key intermediate.


The efficacy of Bensolinium Chloride includes effective inhibition and killing of a wide range of bacteria, fungi and viruses, and it is able to disrupt the structure of bacterial cell membranes and lead to cell death, thus acting as a bactericidal agent. Therefore, it is often used for disinfection in medical institutions, home hygiene and public places. Benzethonium chloride can also be used for hand disinfection. Used in contact with infectious disease patients, before and after handling food, etc., it can kill potentially pathogenic microorganisms on the hands and reduce the risk of cross-infection. It also has good cleaning and deodorising effects, removing stains, odours and mould, making the environment cleaner and more pleasant to live in. In the home, Benzethonium Chloride is one of the common disinfectants that can be used to disinfect furniture surfaces, washrooms, children's toys and other items to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses and improve the health of the family.


It should be noted that Bensolinium chloride should be diluted and used in accordance with the correct concentration and method of application to avoid adverse reactions caused by too high or too low concentration. In addition, for the oral mucosa such as disinfection parts of the best not to apply bensonium chloride, because this kind of preparation has certain toxic side effects, mucosal disinfection is not very safe. In the clinic for mucosal disinfection, most of the use of povidone-iodine type of preparation, has a better antibacterial effect, and lower toxic side effects, mucosal irritation is also very small.

If you want to know more about this product, please feel free to contact Jiayuan Chemical Co., LTD 0519-82585998