Fluorine Chemical Industry-Deeply Cultivated in the Industry, Entering into Life

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I believe that everyone has seen and heard a lot about PVDF and lithium hexafluorophosphate projects in recent years. Some of them were built by fluorine chemical companies, and some were entered by non-industry companies. The successive commissioning of these projects has rapidly changed the supply and demand relationship of PVDF and lithium hexafluorophosphate, and their market prices have also fluctuated greatly. The industry sentiment is very pessimistic.


However, there are rich varieties of fluorine chemical products. In addition to fluorine-containing lithium battery materials, many other products also have excellent application prospects, including hexafluorobutadiene, chlorine trifluoride, carbonyl fluoride, fluorinated polyimide, polytrifluorochloroethylene, fusible polytetrafluoroethylene, perfluorosulfonic acid resin, hydrofluoroether, perfluoropolyether, ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, etc. This article will introduce you to a more promising product: hexafluorobutadiene.


Hexafluorobutadiene, also known as perfluorobutadiene, hexafluoro-1,3-butadiene, or HFBD for short, is a fully fluorinated compound with a double bond and a molecular formula of C4F6. Hexafluorobutadiene is an important raw material for synthetic resins and fluorine-containing substances. It can also be used as an etching gas in the semiconductor industry with the advantages of good selectivity and high precision.


In addition, hexafluorobutadiene has a GWP of only 0.004 and a lifetime in the atmosphere of less than 2 days, which has a very small greenhouse effect. It is a green and environmentally friendly perfluorinated gas with great market prospects. In recent years, hexafluorobutadiene has become one of the most likely candidates to replace traditional fluorine-containing etching gases due to its excellent properties such as good etching selectivity, high precision, and easy decomposition in the atmosphere.


Hexafluorobutadiene is one of the new generation of fluorine-containing etching gases that can meet the development requirements of etching technology and minimize the impact on the environment. It has broad application prospects. However, the current high-purity hexafluorobutadiene market is still dominated by foreign companies such as Showa Denko, Atsei Chemical, Merck Group, Linde Gas, and Air Liquide, and my country's market demand mainly relies on imports.


In recent years, in the face of increasingly stringent semiconductor blockades by Western countries and the growing domestic market demand for fluorine-containing specialty gases, domestic companies have accelerated the layout of hexafluorobutadiene, and some companies have broken through the industrialization barriers. You are welcome to consult our company for details. You can contact us by email or phone.