[Fluorine Chemicals] Market situation briefing on January! Export orders improve and reluctance to sell continues to rise

At the beginning of the week, the fluorite market remained weak and stable, the market supply and demand pattern remained unchanged, and there were many bearish sentiments in the industry.

There is a big difference in supply and demand between the north and the south. The operating rate of enterprises remains low. Powder concentrators maintain rigid production orders and are reluctant to sell at low prices. The demand side still performs poorly. The consumption of hydrogen fluoride and aluminum fluoride is limited, and corporate inventories are under pressure. However, prices remain low, and there is a more bearish mentality in the market outlook. Near the end of the year, some small factories are clearing inventory at low prices. The current mainstream price of 97% of fluorite powder ex-factory in the northwest region is around 3,500, which is closer to the low end of the actual market. In January, anhydrous hydrogen fluoride was not well digested by the major refrigerant manufacturers across the country. Refrigerant companies mainly consumed inventory. There was insufficient start-up of new materials such as fluoropolymers and fluorine-containing lithium batteries. The demand for hydrogen fluoride shrunk. Factory inventories in Fujian and Jiangxi areas On the high side, some companies have responded by suspending production or overhauling , and are less enthusiastic about stockpiling raw materials. Negative factors dominate. It is expected that the hydrogen fluoride market will still have a downward trend in February.

The liquid chlorine market is operating stably. The ex-factory price of tank cars in Shandong is 0-150 yuan/ton including tax. There is a big difference between the north and the south. The shipments of northern companies are average and the inventory pressure has increased slightly. Some companies in East China are undergoing maintenance, and the market supply is stable. Reduce expectations and prices may continue to be stable. The methylene chloride market maintains a stable offer. Some large manufacturers in the industry have reduced their equipment load for maintenance. Enterprise inventories are low and market prices are strongly supported. However, the trend of raw material liquid chlorine is downward, coupled with limited real downstream demand, average acceptance, and a game of market supply and demand. The market performance of chloroform is relatively strong, production and sales, supply and demand are balanced, and companies have slightly adjusted prices based on inventory. Trichlorethylene is running weakly, with weak cost-end support, and the overall trend of downstream demand is weak. The market is resistant to high-priced raw materials, and the bidding and procurement prices have fallen short and will be weak in the short term. PCE is running weakly, the market follows the pricing of individual major manufacturers, the industry starts at a high level, and the cost support is relatively limited. Sulfuric acid market sentiment is not performing well, with declines in some areas. On the demand side, the phosphate fertilizer market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment and prices are showing a weak trend. Compound fertilizer manufacturers are not shipping smoothly, and have limited digestion of sulfuric acid. The support is weak and the mentality is not good.

The domestic aluminum fluoride market is quiet and demand is weak. The factory operating load remains at about 40-50%, and the price is mainly based on contract order volume. The raw material aluminum hydroxide pushed up slightly, and as factories digested the high price of fluorspar in the early stage, aluminum fluoride companies' costs and profits were once again compressed, production enthusiasm declined, and industry players waited and watched to follow the market. The market demand for sodium fluoride has not improved. Enterprise production is operating normally and inventory has accumulated slightly. The overall fluoride salt market performance is relatively sluggish, profit margins are small, and the industry's operating level continues to be low at less than 50%.

Since the weekend, the export market atmosphere of the domestic refrigerant market has become warmer. After the issuance of the license, export demand has increased, and the quota digestion progress has exceeded expectations. At this stage, the load of production enterprises has dropped significantly, and the quota operating rate has remained at about 50%. Left and right, the main purpose is to digest the original inventory , the refrigerant market quota cycle has begun, the reluctance of companies to sell is difficult to change, and the inventory of middlemen is reasonable.

The PTFE market is consolidating at a low level. The supply side has sufficient supply and individual companies are undergoing maintenance. However, the industrial chain is still operating at the bottom. Due to the large investment in dispersion resin production capacity, some products are obviously upside down. The actual transaction gap is obvious due to quality differences. The market demand remained weak before the year, and the inventory of production plants continued to increase. The hexafluoropropylene market fluctuated and adjusted due to poor demand transmission and low capacity utilization. After a temporary increase in demand, the market returned to weakness.

The weakness of the FEP market is difficult to change. The export of molding materials and the domestic demand market have not improved in the short term. Cost support has weakened and the market has corrected. Due to the shrinking supply of fluorine rubber but poor demand, the two-component rubber and three-component rubber markets are actually generally stable compared to last month.

The lithium hexafluorophosphate market remains weak and stable, and bearish sentiment remains strong. At the raw material level, the lithium carbonate spot market is mainly operating steadily, and the market has begun to rebound. The suspension of production by a company at the mine and Protest activities in South American salt lakes have affected market sentiment. The trading market has gradually become active, and traders have begun to raise prices. Overall It seems that the impact on the mining end is limited, and there is insufficient motivation for the price of lithium carbonate to rise. On the demand side, the downstream market for lithium batteries is still not optimistic. The demand for power batteries is slowing down. The inventory of battery cell factories is high. Some downstream companies have begun to take holidays. The spot market has been light in trading. Most downstream companies mainly consume their own inventories. The spot market has Prices are low, and the overall purchasing sentiment is relatively pessimistic. At present, the mainstream of lithium hexafluorophosphate production companies is delivering early orders, the operating load is not high, and the focus is on inventory clearance. Corporate profits remain upside down, and some companies mainly suffer losses. The market outlook is waiting for the fermentation of the raw material market, and the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate will still fluctuate at a low level.