Let's learn about the application of Changzhou Jiayuan's products - Hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO)

Hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) is an important fluorine chemical raw material, and its downstream products are widely used in the fields of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, material science, coatings, electronics and chemical manufacturing. Hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO), CAS No. 428-59-1, molecular formula C3F6O, relative molecular mass 166 g/mol, is a colourless, non-flammable, slightly odorous gas at room temperature and pressure. HFPO has low toxicity, melting point -144℃, boiling point -27℃, liquid density (25℃) is 1300kg/m3, saturated vapour pressure (25℃) is 660 kPa, specific heat capacity of vapour and liquid is 138 J/(mol-K) and 172 J/(mol-K) respectively, heat of vapourisation is 21.8 kJ/mol, and it has ternary ring structure. Due to its special properties, HFPO and its downstream products have a wide range of application prospects in the fields of chemistry, materials, medicine and military. The preparation methods and market applications of its derivatives and downstream products are also becoming more and more mature with its gradual improvement and development. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology and the constant change of market demand, especially under the requirement of double-carbon target, new energy and the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the application prospect of HFPO and its downstream products will be continuously expanded, and the application fields of its corresponding derivatives and downstream products will also be expanded accordingly.

Figure 1 shows the structural formula of hexafluoropropylene oxide

Introduction to HFPO

HFPO and its derivatives have been developing rapidly as an important class of fluorine fine chemicals since 1959, when DuPont patented the preparation of hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) and its subsequent industrialisation.HFPO is a colourless, non-flammable gas with a slight odour, even if it liquefies under pressure; HFPO is in a dry state at room temperature and in the absence of Lewis acids or bases is stable. Significant thermal decomposition occurs only at temperatures of 150°C or above. Unlike the analogous hydrocarbon propylene oxide, HFPO has shorter C-O distances and longer C-CF3 bonds. Due to the ternary ring structure of hexafluoropropylene oxide, its chemical activity is high, and it can produce different chemical intermediates through selective ring opening, thus making it an important raw material for organic fluorine products. HFO has a wide range of applications in electronics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and other fields. Among them, in the field of electronics, HFO can be used as oxidising agent in semiconductor process, surfactant in detergent, and used in the production of semiconductor devices; in the field of chemical industry, HFPO can be used in the preparation of fluorine-containing polyethers, hexafluoroacetone, etc.; in the field of pharmaceuticals, HFO is a good carrier for the construction of drug delivery system. At present, the market scale of HFO is expanding globally. According to the statistics of market research organisations, the market size of HFPO is growing at an annual rate of 5%. Manufacturers of HFO are mainly located in Europe, America and Asia.

Figure 1. Ring-opening functionalisation of hexafluoropropylene oxide

HFPO Application:

Perfluoropolyethers, fluoropolymer emulsifiers and fluorocarbons, perfluoroolefin series, hexafluoroacetone series, pentafluoropropionyl fluoride series are some of the products derived from HFPO. These downstream products are widely used in the oil and gas, electronics, semiconductor, aerospace, automotive, and new energy industries due to their unique properties, such as high chemical resistance, heat resistance, and durability.HFPO-derived fluoropolymers are commonly used in the production of wires, coatings, and films because of their high temperature and chemical resistance, in addition to being used in the semiconductor industry as components that can withstand extreme chemical environments. chemical environments.HFPO-derived fluoroelastomers are commonly used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of seals, gaskets, and hoses, where they have excellent resistance to high temperatures, chemical inertness, and fuel properties; therefore, they can be used to replace conventional rubber in automotive applications to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Fluorinated surfactants are used as wetting agents, emulsifiers and foaming agents in various industries such as textiles, coatings and electronics; they have unique properties such as low surface tension and high chemical stability, and fluorinated surfactants are also used in the production of coatings to improve the water and oil resistance of coatings. Fluorinated gases such as hexafluoroisobutene are commonly used in various industrial scenarios such as electronics, refrigeration and air conditioning. Under the environment of energy saving and emission reduction, HFPO derivatives are attracting more and more interest. In conclusion, the global market for HFPO and its downstream products is expected to continue to grow due to increasing demand from various industries, especially in emerging economies. With governments and industries focusing on reducing carbon emissions, there is growing interest in using HFPO and its derivatives as an alternative to traditional materials, which may lead to increased demand for these products.


If you want to know more about this product, please feel free to contact Jiayuan Chemical Company Limited at 0519-82585998.