[Rare gases morning reference]: Morning tips for rare gases market

1. Points of concern

1. The volume trading atmosphere of controlled helium has declined, but the trading atmosphere of controlled helium in Inner Mongolia is acceptable.

2. The mainstream trading atmosphere in the xenon market is acceptable, but be wary of downside risks.

3. The mainstream transactions in the krypton gas market are slow and the transactions are moving downward. The mainstream atmosphere of the neon market is acceptable.

4. Helium imports from January to November 2023 totaled 3,666.9 tons, +0.2% year-on-year.

Core logic: The helium market atmosphere is average, and the tight supply of imported goods has eased. The xenon atmosphere has improved, and downstream buyers are cautious in purchasing goods. The demand in the neon market is still poor, and the short-term adjustment is weak. The krypton market is supported by individual purchases, and the short-term price may be stable and adjusted.

2. Market outlook

The trading atmosphere in the helium market is average, the downstream demand is relatively light, and there is still pressure on channel shipments; the xenon market atmosphere is declining, and shipments at reduced prices are the main focus; the demand for neon is not good, and the transaction atmosphere is weak; the krypton market support is declining. In the short term, the xenon market may further decline, while the helium market may remain weak and stabilize.