Selection of ammonium perchlorate and potassium perchlorate in fireworks

We see the effect is in the visual, then the determining factor is two points: first, the color is not bright; The second problem is visibility.


From the second point of view, the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate will occur as follows: 2NH4ClO4→N2↑+4H2O+Cl2↑+2O2↑ In which nitrogen and water are very stable, while oxygen and chlorine will react with metal powder to produce the corresponding chloride and oxide. It can be seen that the ammonium salt has all turned into gas and run away, and the potassium salt formed after the decomposition of potassium perchlorate has become solid small particles. Therefore, when the two are decomposed in the same amount, the smoke produced by ammonium perchlorate is less than that of potassium perchlorate, so the visibility will be better than that of potassium perchlorate, so the effect will be prominent.

Selection of ammonium perchlorate and potassium perchlorate in fireworks.jpg

In addition, the above reaction in the case of inadequate reaction, will produce ammonia, which is extremely troubled indoor fireworks enterprises. Therefore, once the stage cold fireworks produce ammonia, it will give the audience and even the actors an extremely disgusting feeling. Therefore, when ammonium perchlorate is used as stage fireworks, a metal powder with strong reducing properties is selected as far as possible, so that ammonium perchlorate becomes nitrogen instead of ammonia when it is decomposed.