The annual meeting of Changzhou Jiayuan Chemical Co., Ltd. was successfully held. We hope that everyone will work together to create brilliance!

Spring returned, fresh starts for everything. We bid farewell to 2023, a year of outstanding achievements, and welcome 2024, a year full of hope. On behalf of the company leaders, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all employees for their hard work and selfless dedication, and through you, I would like to extend my most sincere greetings and best wishes to my family and relatives who have always strongly supported our work.

It has been several years since the company was founded. With the concerted efforts of all employees, who are not afraid of hardship and have the courage to work hard, joy accompanies the company.

With sweat, success and hardships, we have come along the way, and we meet in 2024. I am as excited as everyone else to be able to gather here today, and there is an unspeakable feeling flowing in my heart. In 2023, with the correct leadership of the company, the strong support of all relevant departments, and the joint efforts of all employees, both the trade volume and the trade volume this year have reached a record high. Here, please allow me to extend warm applause and thank again the employees and leaders who have devoted their youth and sweat to Jiayuan.

Although we have achieved excellent results this year, if we are complacent, success will be far away from us. Therefore, as 2024 is approaching, the first thing we have to do is to maintain this year's good momentum and fully affirm the results. At the same time, we should carefully summarize the shortcomings in production, sales and management. Only by knowing our own shortcomings can we make progress and lay a solid foundation for the company's better development in the future.

Comrades, we work day and night and overtime. It is the accumulation of this bit by bit that has made us rich now. We have no reason not to cherish these hard-won fruits. I have always believed that the figure of struggle is The most beautiful, therefore, you are also beautiful. The glory of Jiayuan and the setting off of dreams are all colorful because of you. Because of you, Jiayuan is what it is today. Then let us set sail from today, carrying the ideals, hopes, dreams, and responsibilities of the new year, go out together, and express our heartfelt thanks to every employee sitting here for your dedication and efforts.

The president of HP once said such a philosophical statement. He said that the glory of the past belongs to the past rather than the future. As for the achievements we have achieved this year, when we deserve recognition and when the new year arrives, it also deserves recognition. Like the old calendar, it can only represent the past. Therefore, in the new year, employees at all levels must clarify their missions, set a clear goal for themselves, have a strong will to achieve the goal, and never waver in the face of any difficulties. Give full play to the combat effectiveness, motivation and morale of our Jiayuan team.

While carrying forward this spirit, accumulate small steps to reach thousands of miles; accumulate small streams to become rivers and seas. Start small, be willing to work hard and innovate. Let the company continue to move to a higher level.

It takes just a sip of water to talk about it, but to actually implement it, everyone in the company needs to unite as one, work hard for a goal, and a brilliant tomorrow will belong to us. Judging from the various indicators completed this year, relatively There was significant progress last year, but it did not reach a new high. Moreover, there are still some problems in production, which require us to continuously improve and strengthen.

Now, please allow me to take a moment of everyone's time. After reviewing the achievements in 2023, I will summarize that accumulating experience is indispensable. Planning for the coming year is a key focus of work. The following remarks only represent me personally.

1. Pay close attention to internal management to achieve Efficient operation between various parts.

The company is an organic whole, and every employee here is an indispensable part of it. This is just like the equipment you deal with every day. Only when every component is running effectively can it fully exert its due function. If any of these components, even a gear, fails to operate properly or cannot connect with other components, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences. And whose fault is it for this result? It’s not you or me. To be precise, it’s each of us. Therefore, we must focus on production, internal management, and employees. Only in this way can the various departments of the company be organically connected as a whole and realize the efficient operation of the enterprise.

2. Develop the strategic policy of "law" and "come in".

The so-called going global means to let the products produced by the company go out of China and go to the world. Let more people know about Jiayuan, know about Jiayuan, and recognize Jiayuan. While expanding the scope of product sales, establish a good image of the product, adhere to the development concept of "never satisfied, surpass yourself", and constantly improve and express yourself. While going out, we also need to be able to invite in, what should we invite in? Advanced technology, good management policies, and high-quality talents. In short, anything that can boost the company and product sales is something we urgently need and deserve to be promoted.

3. Comprehensively promote the development of public welfare by selling production and promoting quality.

Only when there are buyers can there be sellers. Only when users buy your stuff can it be considered a sale. Therefore, while creating high-quality products, enterprises must formulate corresponding production according to demand. This can effectively avoid product backlogs and corresponding maintenance expenses, and fundamentally achieve the purpose of economical savings. Secondly, promotion is based on quality, and quality is quality. Only by ensuring product quality can we gain recognition from users. Based on this, we can use this as a basis to promote sales through good word-of-mouth publicity, enhance the visibility of the company's products, and develop ourselves better at the same time.

Fourth, strive to improve equipment quality, because quality is the life of an enterprise.

In recent years, due to the decline in efficiency due to poor product quality, many companies have experienced rising costs and increased losses. This is enough to make our company vigilant. Efforts to improve product quality are not empty words. This needs to start from the internal management of the company. Only by enhancing everyone's quality awareness from top to bottom can we effectively ensure the improvement of product quality.

5. Work safely and charge at all times to ensure zero accidents in the enterprise.

This requires the management department and each workshop to improve the level of daily inspections, not to stay at superficial phenomena, but to detect and correct them in time, and to use effective means to avoid recurrence of various violations. Make sure every employee knows common sense about work safety. Positions are planned as units, and employees are mobilized to find the operating links where accidents are most likely to occur in their positions, and formulate corresponding countermeasures and preventive measures. Employees in the positions must be trained. During the discovery and solution, the company's safety management level will be continuously improved to ensure The company has zero accidents.

In the new year, we must use a new attitude to complete this year's business targets. The company's economic indicators are indicators for all employees. This indicator should guide the behavior of all employees, coordinate resources, and standardize the behavior of the company organization and employees. All departments and positions must use indicators as standards and requirements to guide actions. Specific requirements: First, strengthen the concept of integrity and overall situation. All departments and positions are part of the company and must carry out work at a unified pace. Cohesion is: First, strengthen hierarchical management and vigorously promote the courage to face difficulties.

Take responsibility, establish a culture of being responsible, and do not shirk responsibilities; third, promote initiative and creativity in work, dare to think and do, and do not act as a mouthpiece. Each department must put forward opinions, analyze the situation, and solve problems from the perspective of the entire enterprise; Fourth, we must have the concept of sustainable development. The work done by various departments and units must not only solve today's problems, but also lay the foundation for future work, create conditions, and not create obstacles. Every unit has sustainable development issues, and it is necessary to have an overall concept of sustainability, take a longer view, and consider more problems that may arise in the future.

In the new year, company leaders should set an example and take the lead for all employees, and keep pace with the times. It is important to be a good leader:

The first is to take the lead in learning, improve one's own quality, update concepts, become more aware of crisis and competition, improve work standards and broaden horizons. We must be good at learning from work practice, learning from experience and lessons, and adapting to the development requirements of the market economy;

The second is to take the lead in establishing integrity, creating an atmosphere that is conducive to management, talent growth, unity and hard work, and forming an atmosphere of responsibility;

The third is to take the lead in focusing on efficiency. Efficiency must be emphasized in operations, and efficiency must also be emphasized in work. Indiscriminate and lazy behaviors should not occur again. Economic indicators must be quantified and responsibilities must be assigned to people; fourth, we must take the lead in service. Service reflects the work style, and it is necessary to enhance the awareness of serving the company, serving the grassroots, and serving the leaders; fifth, take the lead in development. Development is the last word. We must work hard around management, improve operations, actively participate in competition, and promote enterprise development.

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